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Susan Tenby has worked in online community management for 20 years and has been active in social media since it began, in 2004. As the original Online Community Manager of TechSoup, Susan was responsible for launching the organization’s active community and social media presence. 


In her current position as Director of Global Community for TechSoup, she leads a team of community and social media managers to help our partners manage and know their communities and to extend the reach of their online networks. Susan uses her community management skills and social media listening expertise to analyze social networks, build community and generate leads. She also devises and leads community and social media marketing strategy for the global enterprise.


Susan oversees the management of the primary social channels for the organization. She drives a large portion of the partnership conversation openers, by using her unique ability to turn a tweet into a meeting.


Susan formerly ran the largest and longest running meetup for online community and social media professionals, The San Francisco Online Community Meetup, with an active and engaged membership of over 1700 community managers.


In her spare time, Susan also squeezes in social media and community consulting and training for an assortment of small businesses and organizations, from world-famous rock bands, to yoga studios to professional associations. She has experience running webinars and in-house trainings, as well as ongoing publishing and curation to social media channels, regardless of topic area expertise. She loves using social media to extend the event beyond the time frame in which it occurs and the reach of the attendees.

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